经皮血氧分压测定 (tcpO2)

经皮血氧分压测定 (tcpO2) 是测定毛细血管通过皮肤释放出来的局部氧饱和度的唯一方法,反映了下肢的代谢状态1Noninvasive Arterial Studies Including Transcutaneous Oxygen Pressure Measurements with the Limbs Elevated or Dependent to Predict Healing After Partial Foot Amputation. Karen L. Andrews, MD Mansour Y. Dib, MD Thomas C. Shives, MD Tanya L. Hoskin David A. Liedl, RN Andrea J. Boon, MD. DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e3182876a06.. 它尤其适用于创伤愈合预测、截肢水平测定及高压氧治疗条件确定2Transcutaneous Oximetry in Clinical Practice: Consensus statements from an expert panel based on evidence. C. E Fife, D. R. Smart, P. J. Sheffield, H. W. Hopf, G. Hawkins, D Clarke. UHM 2009, Vol. 36, No. 1 – Transcutaneous oximetry consensus statements.. 经皮血氧分压测定也被推荐作为对 CLTI 患者进行量化缺血严重程度和分层预断的手段,并且对于患有钙化动脉和脚趾截肢患者的 PAD 诊断非常有帮助3The impact of transcutaneous oxygen pressure measurement in patients with suspected critical lower limb ischemia Stefan Rosfors, Leila Kann, Thomas Nystrom. International Angiology 2016 Oclober;3S(5):492-7. .

  • tcpO2 的测定是了解人体向组织运送氧气能力唯一方法。
  • 如果氧气不能到达伤口区域,伤口不会自然愈合。
  • 当糖尿病患者因血管钙化或脚趾缺损而无法使用其他方法时,这是一个重要的测定工具。
  • 用于支持截肢水平临床决策的客观测量方法,从而提高患者的生活质量,避免发生成本高昂的再截肢。
  • The most versatile and adaptable tcpO2 solution on the market.


  1. Noninvasive Arterial Studies Including Transcutaneous Oxygen Pressure Measurements with the Limbs Elevated or Dependent to Predict Healing After Partial Foot Amputation. Karen L. Andrews, MD Mansour Y. Dib, MD Thomas C. Shives, MD Tanya L. Hoskin David A. Liedl, RN Andrea J. Boon, MD. DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e3182876a06.
  2. Transcutaneous Oximetry in Clinical Practice: Consensus statements from an expert panel based on evidence. C. E Fife, D. R. Smart, P. J. Sheffield, H. W. Hopf, G. Hawkins, D Clarke. UHM 2009, Vol. 36, No. 1 – Transcutaneous oximetry consensus statements.
  3. The impact of transcutaneous oxygen pressure measurement in patients with suspected critical lower limb ischemia Stefan Rosfors, Leila Kann, Thomas Nystrom. International Angiology 2016 Oclober;3S(5):492-7.

PeriFlux 6000 Combined System 介绍视频

使用 PeriFlux 6000 Combined System 进行 tcpO2 监测

外周动脉疾病 – 糖尿病患者诊断- R. Hinchliffe 教授


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